Upper Limb and Lower Limb Prosthetics have been widely used for many years. These prosthetics aid in the replacement of lost limbs. They have advanced and become more complex with time and technology. Let’s understand in detail with the help of this blog.

Selecting Parameters for the Prosthetics
An artificial limb used to replace a specific body part is known as a prosthetic. The following factors determine the type of prosthetic:
• The removed body component.
• Where that body portion is located
• Surgery’s scope
• The state of the body component that is still present.
Prosthetics and its types
The kinds of prosthetics vary according to the bodily component they are intended to replace. In reality, only two bodily parts – the arm and leg determine the sort of prosthesis. These sorts aid in the replacement of full or partial arm and leg amputation.
Transradial Prosthetic
This kind of prosthetic is worn on the arm under the elbow. A forearm and wrist are features of a trans-radial artificial limb. Cables and wires are recent improvements in this sort of prosthetic.
This kind of prosthetic provides an arm that resembles a robot. With this cutting-edge prosthetic, the patient can operate their arms like actual hands.
Transhumeral Prosthetic
Transhumeral Prosthetic is one of the hardest prosthetics to install. The bodily part’s complicated location contributes to the challenge. Typically, a suction system is used with this kind of prosthetic. With the aid of the bounce linear system, the prosthetic can also be attached to the residual limb in another way.
Transtibial Prosthetic
This kind of prosthetic is used on the leg beneath the knee . It aids in the restoration of the limb’s regular functions. It’s because the majority of the leg is in good shape. As a result, it aids in restoring full mobility. Patients who use this kind of prostheses can even participate in sports.
When creating this, always bear in mind the pressure and delicate parts. The patient’s comfort is crucial because the prosthetic supports the whole weight of the body. The large portion of these prosthetics employ a socket or pin system.
Transfemoral Artificial Limb
This kind of prosthetic is used above the knee. This prosthetic requires more time to recover for amputees. This is due to the prosthetic limb being longer than the residual limb. In this kind of prosthesis, new developments include hydraulic pumps. These modern medical advancements facilitate quick recovery for patients.
So do not need to worry as ArtAlive has got all your Prosthetic needs cover. Visit our website and get details about Upper Limb and Lower Limb Prosthetic and much more.
Contact Info:
Visit us: https://artalive.com.my/
No 16, Persiaran 65C, Pekeliling Business Centre, Off Jalan Pahang Barat, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
E-Mail: info@artalive.com.my
Contact: +60 3-4032 4273
Author: Sudarsan Swain